Dog of the Week: Poppy!

Adorable golden retriever at Dawg Gone It Doggie Daycare in Monterey.

Adorable golden retriever at Dawg Gone It Doggie Daycare in Monterey.

Poppy, golden retriever extraordinaire, at Dawg Gone It Doggie Daycare.

The Pop-Pop! We LOVE Poppy! She is SUCH a good player, nearly everyone gets to play with Poppy at some point, dog and human alike! That and she’s SO PRETTY! Good-natured, care-free, blond hair blowing in the wind… She’s a regular starlet! Seriously, she should be wearing over-sized sunglasses and a big floppy hat, that would suit her. When she walks into Dawg Gone It, if you listen real hard you can hear the background music swell and FEEL the camera pulling in tight for a close-up.

Golden retriever has a birthday photo taken at Dawg Gone It dog lodging in Monterey.

We took a photo to celebrate her birthday! Unfortunately, the birthday bandanna didn’t fit.

She’ll play hard, she’ll play gentle, she’ll take daycare naps with or without cuddle buddies, she likes to chase, be chased, to wrestle, etc. She’s the perfect playmate for any dog.

Golden retriever and Australian shepherd play at Dawg Gone It dog daycare in Monterey.

Poppy likes to play on the floor.

Golden retriever takes a nap at Dawg Gone It dog kennel in Monterey.

Or just take naps with other dogs.

Seriously, the naps.

Golden retriever and pitt bull mix cuddle at Dawg Gone It dog daycare in Monterey.

See?!? If you didnt just say “AWWW” out loud, you need to get that looked at!

So, even though we mentioned it AT LENGTH in the post for Fiona, POPPY AND FIONA! They’re in love, they’re each other’s favorites, we have a lot of photos.

Golden retriever and Newfoundland butts at Dawg Gone It doggie daycare in Monterey.

Whoops! Wrong end.

Newfoundland and Golden Retriever being best friends at Dawg Gone It dog daycare in Monterey.

There we go!

And again with Poppy and her cuddle naps, but Fiona is her most frequent napping partner.

Newfoundland and Gold Retriever nap together at Dawg Gone It dog boarding in Monterey.

Fiona and Poppy: Besties


Even when they nap separate, Poppy makes sure she can lie and her back and at least GAZE at Fiona.

Also, nice shot of Luna in the foreground, and Juniper’s butt.


Breed: Golden Retriever
Age: 2 years old
Weight: ~65 lbs.
First Time at DGI: August 22, 2017
Shedding: Oh yeah. She’s a VERY talented shedder. One of our dog handlers likes to joke about sweeping up her fur and trying to spin it into yarn. I mean, I’d wear a Poppy sweater if it were available.
Nickname(s): Pop-Pop, Poppa-Doo, Poppers, Pop-uh-Lop, Popalopogus, Papa Doc, Poppy Seed, Pop-It-and-Lock-It, Pop-and-Lock
Best Friends: FIONA! Poppy and Fiona are besties, they probably each have one half of a heart necklace. Beyond Fiona, Poppy is friends with everyone. Violet, Bailey, Maya, Pudgjo, Sierra, Tali… The list could go on for days. Just everyone. She’s a popular girl.
Funny Story: Poppy absolutely loves Fiona so much so that she uses her as a bed, lying on top of Fiona whenever she gets a chance. Cuddles are key here!

Golden retriever prepares to nap atop Newfoundland at Dawg Gone It dog kennel in Monterey.

All aboard!


Golden retriever naps on top of Newfoundland at Dawg Gone It dog lodging in Monterey.

ZZZzzzz…. ZZZzzzz…

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